by Tony Karp


Snow scene with pine trees -  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - It's snowing! - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
It's snowing!
We had two snowstorms last month, here in Northern Virginia. The first, at the beginning of December, was picturesque, with big, fluffy, wet flakes that looked great on the tree branches. It was only four or five inches of snow, and it was gone after a few days.

The second storm started around the 18th of December and went on for several days. When it finally let up, there was about two feet of snow on the ground. We were snowbound for a couple of days, until a nearby farmer came by with a huge tractor and used his front-loader bucket to clear our driveway. Now, in January, there is still some snow remaining from this storm. Very unusual for this part of Virginia

So what do you do when it's nasty outside? Point your camera through the window and take pictures. All of the shots here were made without leaving my house.

All of these pictures were shot on my Panasonic DMC-FZ18, saved as JPEG Fine, at various settings. They received additional processing in LightZone to bring out their finer qualities.
snowy field with pine trees and a barn-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - The field behind the house, in the middle of the storm. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
The field behind the house, in the middle of the storm.
-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - Mr. Cardinal sits in a snowy tree. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
Mr. Cardinal sits in a snowy tree.
snow on branches of a pine tree-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - Still snowing. When will it stop? - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
Still snowing. When will it stop?
-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - Mr. Woodpecker climbs a snowy tree. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
Mr. Woodpecker climbs a snowy tree.
snow on pine branches-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - Uh oh. Looks like this is going to be a big storm. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
Uh oh. Looks like this is going to be a big storm.
-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - Mr. Finch striking a pose in a snowy tree. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
Mr. Finch striking a pose in a snowy tree.
stained glass and wrought iron dragon in front of snow - Snads the dragon-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - SNADS the dragon flies before the storm. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
SNADS the dragon flies before the storm.
cardinal all puffed up in a snowy tree-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - Mr. Cardinal, all puffed up, trying to stay warm. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
Mr. Cardinal, all puffed up, trying to stay warm.
-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - Our poor little barn, buried in the snow. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
Our poor little barn, buried in the snow.
-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - Birds in a tree, in the manner of a Japanese print. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
Birds in a tree, in the manner of a Japanese print.
-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - Bird on a snow drift. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
Bird on a snow drift.
-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - Puffy blue bird in the snow - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
Puffy blue bird in the snow
-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - Birds across a sun dog. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
Birds across a sun dog.
-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - Icicles and a sun dog. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
Icicles and a sun dog.
-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - Small bird in the snow in the manner of a mezzotint. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
Small bird in the snow in the manner of a mezzotint.
tracks in the snow-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - This is what snowbound really looks like. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
This is what snowbound really looks like.
the artist's muse as a shadow on the shutters-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - The artist's muse, before the shutters. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
The artist's muse, before the shutters.
-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - A puffy bird waiting for his turn at the feeder. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
A puffy bird waiting for his turn at the feeder.
self portrait as a shadow-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - If you get really bored, you can always do a self portrait. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
If you get really bored, you can always do a self portrait.
-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - Mr. crow in a snowy tree. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
Mr. crow in a snowy tree.
-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - Another small bird in a snowy tree. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
Another small bird in a snowy tree.
-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - Black icicles in the manner of a mezzotint. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
Black icicles in the manner of a mezzotint.
-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - Small bird foraging for food in the snow. - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
Small bird foraging for food in the snow.
beautiful snow scene with barn and blue sky-  Panasonic DMC-FZ18 - When storm was over, the sun finally came out - - art  - photography - by Tony Karp
When storm was over, the sun finally came out

Copyright 1957-2023 Tony & Marilyn Karp